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Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), White Powder, Electrophoresis, Fisher BioReagentsTM


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: BP166
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Chase Assay of Protein Stability in Haloferax volcanii
[Abstract]  Highly regulated and targeted protein degradation plays a fundamental role in almost all cellular processes. Determination of the protein half-life by the chase assay serves as a powerful and popular strategy to compare the protein stability and study proteolysis pathways in cells. Here, we describe a chase assay in Haloferax volcanii, a halophilic archaeon as the model organism. [摘要]  高度调节和靶向的蛋白质降解在几乎所有的细胞过程中发挥重要作用。通过追踪测定法测定蛋白质半衰期是比较蛋白质稳定性和研究细胞中蛋白水解途径的有力和普遍的策略。在这里,我们描述了作为模型生物体的嗜盐古细菌Haloferax volcanii 中的追踪测定。

背景 在真核生物中,泛素蛋白酶体系统在高选择性和靶向性蛋白水解中起主要作用(Glickman and Ciechanover,2002)。最近的证据表明,小型古细菌泛素样修饰蛋白或SAMPs也起到了蛋白酶体破坏的靶向蛋白的作用(Maupin-Furlow,2014; Anjum等人,2015; Fu et al。 。,2016)。体内蛋白质半衰期的测量提供了研究蛋白水解途径的直接途径。环己酰胺追踪和脉冲追踪测定通常用于监测真核生物中靶向蛋白质的降解(Zhou,2004)。前一种方法用于确定放线菌酮抑制平移伸长后所有细胞蛋白的半衰期;而脉冲追踪测定法测量新合成(脉冲标记)蛋白质的周转率,而不干扰正常的细胞生长。与真核系统相比,确定古细菌中一种给定蛋白质半衰期的快速简便方法尚未明确。因此,我们开发了一种方案,用于测量盐爱好的考古Haloferax volcanii的体内蛋白质稳定性。使用翻译抑制剂(茴香霉素)和转录(放线菌素D)来最小化该古细菌中新蛋白质的合成。 ...

Establishment of a Fusarium graminearum Infection Model in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves and Floral Tissues
[Abstract]  Fusarium graminearum (Fg) is the causal agent of Fusarium head blight disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum), oats (Avena sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), which targets the floral tissues and thereby adversely impacts grain yield and quality. Mycotoxins produced by F. graminearum further limit the consumability of infected grain. In the laboratory, F. graminearum also has the ability to colonize both leaves and inflorescence tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana. The interaction between A. thaliana and F. graminearum makes available a large array of genetic and molecular tools to study the interaction between plants and F. graminearum to elucidate plant genes and pathways that contribute to resistance, ... [摘要]  禾谷镰刀菌(Fg)是小麦(小麦),燕麦( Avena sativa )和大麦镰刀菌 ),其针对花组织,从而不利地影响谷物产量和质量。由F生产的霉菌毒素。禾谷镰菌进一步限制了感染谷物的消耗性。在实验室,F。禾谷镰刀菌也具有定居拟南芥的叶和花序组织的能力。 A之间的交互。 thaliana 和 F。禾谷镰刀菌(graminearum)提供了大量遗传和分子工具来研究植物和真菌之间的相互作用。禾本科(Graminearum)来阐明植物基因和促进抗性的途径,以及研究真菌如何靶向植物基因和促进疾病的机制。下面描述的方法允许有效地感染拟南芥叶和花序,以及评价疾病进展和真菌生长。拟南芥中的病害传播可以通过叶组织的萎黄病和花序组织的包括真菌团块在花序组织表面上的病害表型的视觉观察来容易地监测。可以通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)和定量实时PCR(qPCR)测量宿主组织中的Fg DNA的相对量来进一步监测真菌生长。

HIV-1 Virus-like Particle Budding Assay
[Abstract]  Viral replication culminates with the egress of the mature virion from the host cell. This step of the viral life cycle has recently garnered increased attention with the discovery of the cellular restriction factor, Tetherin, which tethers budded virions to the surface of infected cells and inhibits viral spread. The importance of this block in viral infections has been suggested by the discovery of viral antagonists, such as HIV-1 Vpu, which counteract Tetherin. This protocol describes a system to study HIV-1 budding under BSL-2 safety conditions. It takes advantage of the ability of many viral matrix/capsid proteins to generate non-infectious virus-like particles (VLPs) with the expression of a single viral protein (i.e. HIV-1 p24 Gag). This protocol was recently used to ... [摘要]  病毒复制随着来自宿主细胞的成熟病毒体的流出而达到高潮。病毒生命周期的这个步骤最近通过发现细胞限制因子Tetherin而发现增加的注意力,Tetherin将暴露的病毒粒子束缚于感染细胞的表面并抑制病毒扩散。这种阻断在病毒感染中的重要性已经通过发现病毒拮抗剂如HIV-1 Vpu(其抵抗了细胞因子)而提出。该协议描述了在BSL-2安全条件下研究HIV-1芽生的系统。它利用了许多病毒基质/衣壳蛋白产生具有单个病毒蛋白(即HIV-1p24Gag)表达的非感染性病毒样颗粒(VLPs)的能力。这个协议最近用于表征在HIV-1 Vpu存在下,Tetherin亚型对VLP释放的影响(Cocka和Bates,2012)。同时表达的Tetherin和其他病毒拮抗剂可用于研究Tetherin介导的病毒芽出的限制。
