Lymphocyte Isolation, Th17 Cell Differentiation, Activation, and Staining
[Abstract] In vitro Th17 (α, β T helper cell which produce IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-22) differentiation has been routinely used for functional T cells studies. Here we describe a method for Th17 cell differentiation.
[摘要] Th17(产生IL-17A,IL-17F和IL-22的α,βT辅助细胞)分化已经常规用于功能性T细胞研究。 这里我们描述Th17细胞分化的方法。 关键词: Th17,IL-17,FACS [背景] T细胞 是介导宿主防御细菌,病毒和真菌以及共生的关键(Kumar等人,2016)。 T细胞可以基于它们产生特异性细胞因子的能力进一步细分为T辅助(Th1),Th2和Th17子集。 幼稚T细胞可以响应于特异性细胞因子刺激在体外培养中分化成特异性T细胞亚群。 体外产生的Th1,Th2和Th17细胞已经帮助我们理解它们的分化和它们的效应子功能的分子机制。 在这里,我们描述了Th17细胞生成的基本协议。
In vitro T Cell–DC and T Cell–T Cell Clustering Assays
[Abstract] To get activated, T cells need to find their cognate antigen at the surface of an antigen-presenting cell (APC). Recognition of cognate antigen in the context of the MHC (Major histocompatibility complex) by the TCR (T-Cell Receptor) results in long lasting interactions between T cells and APCs. Subsequently, T cells form homotypic interactions with each other, which is seen as a hallmark of T cell activation. This protocol describes a method to analyze T-APC and T-T conjugation.
[摘要] 为了激活,T细胞需要在抗原呈递细胞(APC)的表面找到它们的同源抗原。 通过TCR(T细胞受体)在MHC(主要组织相容性复合物)的上下文中的同源抗原的识别导致T细胞和APC之间的持久的相互作用。 随后,T细胞彼此形成同型相互作用,这被看作是T细胞活化的标志。 该协议描述了一种分析T-APC和T-T共轭的方法。
Intracellular Cytokine (INF-gamma) Staining Assay
[Abstract] An intracellular cytokine (INF-gamma) staining assay is used to analyze the function of lymphocytes at the single cell level. By combining surface staining and intracellular cytokine staining, this assay can reveal the percentage of cytokine-releasing cells in a particular population, which cannot be obtained from an ELISpot assay.
[摘要] 细胞内细胞因子(INF-γ)染色测定用于分析淋巴细胞在单细胞水平的功能。 通过组合表面染色和细胞内细胞因子染色,该测定可以揭示特定群体中细胞因子释放细胞的百分比,其不能从ELISpot测定获得。