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IMDM with L-glutamine


Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 12440
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Isolation and Culture of Bone Marrow-derived Mast Cells
[Abstract]  The generation of mast cells for in vitro studies comes from a variety of sources including mast cell lines (MC/9) (McCurdy et al., 2001), bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs) (Supajatura et al., 2001), skin-derived mast cells (FSMCs) (Matsushima et al., 2004), peritoneal-derived mast cells (PMCs) (Hochdorfer et al., 2011) and peritoneal cell-derived cultured mast cells (PCMCs) (Vukman et al., 2012). BMMCs are generally used for in vitro studies because of the high yield of mast cells generated and also because they can be generated from knockout and transgenic mice making this a good source to examine specific factors important for mast cell function. Due to the large yield of cells generated they are the cells of choice ... [摘要]  用于体外研究的肥大细胞的产生来自多种来源,包括肥大细胞系(MC/9)(McCurdy等人,2001),骨髓 - 源自人的肥大细胞(BMMC)(Supajatura等人,2001),皮肤来源的肥大细胞(FSMC)(Matsushima等人,2004),腹膜来源的唾液细胞(PMC)(Hochdorfer等人,2011)和腹膜细胞衍生的培养的肥大细胞(PCMC)(Vukman等人,2012)。 BMMC通常用于体外研究,因为所产生的肥大细胞的高产率,并且还因为它们可以从敲除和转基因小鼠产生,使得它成为检查对肥大细胞功能重要的特定因子的良好来源。由于产生的细胞的大量产生,它们是在肥大细胞敲除小鼠中重建研究中选择的细胞(Sur等人,2007)。此外,当与肥大细胞系相比时,它们对过敏性和非过敏性刺激更敏感。 BMMC的主要缺点是当与从其它来源产生或获得的肥大细胞相比时,它们没有完全成熟。例如,与PCMC相比[参见协议"腹膜细胞源性肥大细胞的分离和培养" "(Vukman等人,2014)],当用TLR配体刺激时,BMMC表达限制性范围的TLR和细胞因子(Mrabet-Dahbi等人,2009)。肥大细胞的不同来源可以显示表型和功能差异,因此重要的是,当设计实验时,获得正确的细胞来源。在这里,我们描述了小鼠骨髓中鼠肥大细胞的分离和培养的协议。 ...

Construction of NSG-CTL Mice
[Abstract]  The NSG-CTL mouse model is a humanized mouse model that allows the generation of peripheral human immune responses, particularly CD8+ Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses, and serves as an effective model for studying gene-based therapies. Natural antigen-specific T cell responses in humanized mice are relatively weak and this model was developed to boost antigen specific responses, in this case to HIV, to more closely assess these responses in vivo. We have engineered human T cells that develop in these mice to express a molecularly cloned T cell receptor (TCR) specific to HIV. Cloned TCRs to any antigen can theoretically be used to study specific responses in vivo, as long as the tissue that is manipulated is of the same human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type. The ... [摘要]  NSG-CTL小鼠模型是允许产生外周人免疫应答,特别是CD8 +细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)应答的人源化小鼠模型,并且作为研究基于基因的治疗的有效模型。人源化小鼠中天然抗原特异性T细胞应答相对较弱,并且开发这种模型以加强抗原特异性应答,在这种情况下是HIV,以更密切地评估这些体内的反应。我们已经设计在这些小鼠中发展的人T细胞,以表达对HIV特异性的分子克隆的T细胞受体(TCR)。克隆的TCR与任何抗原理论上可用于研究体内的特异性应答,只要所操作的组织是相同的人白细胞抗原(HLA)类型。具有抗原特异性TCR的造血干细胞的修饰允许在这些小鼠的外周中形成成熟的,功能性T细胞,其在正常发育过程之后对该抗原是特异性的。该模型最近已经发表(Kitchen等人,2012),这是Melkus等人发表的人源化小鼠BLT模型的主要修饰。 (2006)。我们使用非肥胖糖尿病(NOD) - 严重联合免疫缺陷(SCID),常见的γ链敲除(γc -/- )或NSG小鼠,并植入胎儿胸腺片与基因修饰的CD34 +造血干细胞从胎儿肝脏分离,在肾囊下发育成功能性胸腺植入物。同时,我们通过全身照射消耗小鼠的骨髓,并静脉内注射更多的修饰的HSC用于在小鼠骨髓中造血植入。该协议概述了处理胎儿组织的过程,使用表达分子克隆的T细胞受体的慢病毒载体基因转导HSC,并进行囊下肾移植手术。
