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Triton X-100

Triton X-100

Company: Roche Diagnostics
Catalog#: 11332481001
Other protocol()

Construction and Screening of a Transposon Insertion Library of Yersinia enterocolitica (YeO3-R1)
[Abstract]  The Mu-transposon system is one of the best characterized transposition systems. Under minimal in vitro set-up, Mu transposition requires only a simple reaction buffer, MuA transposase protein, mini-Mu transposon DNA (donor) and target DNA. The reaction proceeds via initial assembly of the transposition complex that directs transposon integration into target DNA with high efficiency and relatively low target site selectivity. These characteristics make the Mu in vitro transposition technology ideal for the generation of comprehensive mutant DNA libraries usable in a variety of molecular biology applications. This technology has successfully been used for DNA sequencing, functional analyses of plasmid DNA and virus genomes, protein engineering for structure/function and ... [摘要]  串联亲和纯化(TAP)(Pugi等人,2001; Rigaut等人,1999)是使用目标靶蛋白的标记方法的方法两步纯化方案以在天然条件和表达水平下下拉蛋白复合物。 TAP标签由三种组分组成:钙调素结合肽,烟草蚀纹病毒(TEV)蛋白酶切割位点和作为免疫球蛋白G(IgG)结合结构域的蛋白A.该方案从酵母细胞中使用的原始方法(Pugi等人,2001; Rigaut等人,1999)修饰,用于从果蝇头分离蛋白质复合物,以及卵巢表达感兴趣的TAP标记的蛋白质。为了确定果蝇脆弱X蛋白(dFMR1)的体内结合伴侣,我们开发了表达重组形式的具有羧基末端TAP标签的dFMR1的苍蝇的转基因菌株(Tsai和Carstens,2006)。为了确保构建体在野生型水平表达,我们在救援突变不育表型的基因组拯救构建体的上下文中工程化这种形式的标记蛋白质。使用温和条件进行纯化过程以维持天然蛋白质相互作用。对于在果蝇S2细胞培养物中的TAP方法,我们成功地使用了由Tsai和Carstens先前公布的方案(Tsai和Carstens,2006; Bhogal等人,2011)。...
