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Penicillin-Streptomycin-L-Glutamine, 100X

青霉素 - 链霉素-L-谷氨酰胺,100X

Company: Mediatech
Catalog#: 30-009-CI
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Hepatitis C virus Cell-to-cell Spread Assay
[Abstract]  Hepatitis C virus (HCV) can infect naïve cells via entry of “cell-free” extracellular virus or direct “cell-to-cell” transmission. Here, we describe an assay for detecting HCV cell-to-cell transmission, using a non-growing cell culture system that avoids confounding effects of cell growth. The assay consists of infecting a small number of cells in a confluent monolayer and then blocking subsequent cell-free extracellular virions with a neutralizing antibody such that only cell-to-cell transmission may occur. Under these conditions, incubation at 37 °C results in the formation of infected cell foci. The extent of cell-to-cell spread can then be determined by counting the number of cells in each focus. The assay may be modified to assess the effects of inhibitors and/or specific cellular ... [摘要]  丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)可通过"无细胞"细胞外病毒的进入或直接的"细胞到细胞"传递而感染初始细胞。 在这里,我们描述检测HCV细胞到细胞传播,使用一个非增长的细胞培养系统,避免细胞生长的混杂效应的测定。 该测定法包括感染汇合单层中的少量细胞,然后用中和抗体阻断随后的无细胞的细胞外病毒粒子,使得仅可发生细胞与细胞的传递。 在这些条件下,在37℃下孵育导致感染的细胞病灶的形成。 然后可以通过计数每个焦点中的细胞数量来确定细胞与细胞扩散的程度。 可以修改测定以评估抑制剂和/或特异性细胞基因对HCV的细胞与细胞扩散的影响。

Development of T Cells through Co-culture Lymphoid Progenitor Cells with OP9-DL1 Stromal Cells in vitro
[Abstract]  Scientists commonly study the development of lymphocytes in two ways, adoptive transfer of hematopoietic stem cells or progenitor cells into recipient mice and fetal thymic organ culture (FTOC). Both strategies, especially the first one, are still widely used. However there are some limitations of these two methods such as being time consuming, resulting in limited cell yield, and challenges in the technology. During the last decade, OP9 stromal cells co-culture system has been modified to support lymphocyte development in vitro. This alternative way offers researchers a simple, efficient approach to support lymphoid progenitors to develop in vitro. A more important advantage of this system is that a lot of factors involved in lymphocyte development, such as cytokines ... [摘要]  科学家通常以两种方式研究淋巴细胞的发育,将造血干细胞或祖细胞过继转移到受体小鼠和胎儿胸腺器官培养物(FTOC)中。这两种策略,尤其是第一种策略,仍然被广泛使用。然而,这两种方法存在一些限制,例如耗时,导致有限的细胞产量和技术中的挑战。在过去十年中,OP9基质细胞共培养系统已被修改以支持淋巴细胞在体外发育。这种替代方式为研究人员提供了一种简单,有效的方法来支持淋巴祖细胞在体外发育。该系统的更重要的优点是,涉及淋巴细胞发育的许多因子,例如细胞因子和Notch信号传导途径,可以被操作以便更清楚地描绘机制。该协议是基于支持OP9-DL1基质细胞的T细胞发育的经验。事实上,根据基质细胞的类型和细胞因子的不同组合,该系统可用于促进体外其他淋巴细胞的发育,例如B细胞和NK细胞。基质细胞系OP9源自于巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(M-CSF)缺陷的 op/op/op 小鼠的骨髓。为了研究Notch信号对体外T细胞分化的作用,最近通过共培养系统进行了深入研究,所述共培养系统包括淋巴祖细胞和表达Notch配体的修饰的OP9基质细胞例如Delta样1,Delta样4或对照载体。这些衍生的OP9基质细胞系分别被称为OP9-DL1,OP9-DL4和OP9-V或OP9-载体。
