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Phosphate Buffer Powder


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: P7994
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Micro-scale NMR Experiments for Monitoring the Optimization of Membrane Protein Solutions for Structural Biology
[Abstract]  Reconstitution of integral membrane proteins (IMP) in aqueous solutions of detergent micelles has been extensively used in structural biology, using either X-ray crystallography or NMR in solution. Further progress could be achieved by establishing a rational basis for the selection of detergent and buffer conditions, since the stringent bottleneck that slows down the structural biology of IMPs is the preparation of diffracting crystals or concentrated solutions of stable isotope labeled IMPs. Here, we describe procedures to monitor the quality of aqueous solutions of [2H, 15N]-labeled IMPs reconstituted in detergent micelles. This approach has been developed for studies of β-barrel IMPs, where it was successfully applied for numerous NMR structure determinations, ... [摘要]  在洗涤剂胶束的水溶液中的内在膜蛋白(IMP)的重建已经广泛地用于结构生物学中,在溶液中使用X-射线晶体学或NMR。通过建立用于选择洗涤剂和缓冲液条件的合理基础可以实现进一步的进展,因为减缓IMP的结构生物学的严格瓶颈是制备衍射晶体或稳定同位素标记的IMP的浓缩溶液。这里,我们描述了监测在洗涤剂胶束中重构的[2 H],15 N] - 标记的IMP的水溶液的质量的程序。该方法已经开发用于β-桶IMP的研究,其中其成功地应用于许多NMR结构测定,并且其也适用于使用α-螺旋IMP,特别是GPCR,用于指导结晶试验和优化样品NMR研究(Horst等人,2013)。使用相关图作为"指纹"以评估解在溶液中的IMP的折叠度。对于有希望的样品,然后用平移和旋转扩散系数的测量补充这些"廉价的"数据,其给出关于IMP /洗涤剂混合胶束的形状和尺寸的信息。使用微线圈设备进行这些NMR实验能够仅收集微克蛋白质和洗涤剂来收集数据。这使得可变溶液条件的连续筛选可行,使得能够优化参数,例如洗涤剂浓度,样品温度,pH和缓冲液的组成。
