[Abstract] In eukaryotic cells transcriptional processes are carried out by three different RNA polymerases: RNA polymerase I which specifically transcribes ribosomal RNA (rRNA), RNA polymerase II which transcribes protein-coding genes to yield messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and small RNAs, while RNA polymerase III transcribes the genes for transfer RNAs and for the smallest species of ribosomal RNA (5S rRNA). This protocol describes an in vitro assay to evaluate the rRNA transcriptional activity of RNA polymerase I. The method measures the quantity of radiolabelled uridine 5’ triphosphate incorporated in ex novo synthesized rRNA molecules by RNA polymerase I, in optimal conditions for the enzyme activity and in the presence of a toxin, α-amanitin, which inhibits RNA polymerase II and III ...
[摘要] 在真核细胞中,转录过程由三种不同的RNA聚合酶:特异性转录核糖体RNA(rRNA)的RNA聚合酶I,转录蛋白质编码基因以产生信使RNA(mRNA)和小RNA的RNA聚合酶II进行转录,RNA聚合酶III转录转录RNA和最小核糖体RNA(5S rRNA)的基因。该方案描述了用于评价RNA聚合酶I的rRNA转录活性的体外实验方法。该方法测量了合并的rRNA分子中掺入的放射性标记的尿苷5'-三磷酸的量通过RNA聚合酶I,在酶活性的最佳条件和毒素α-amanitin存在下,其抑制RNA聚合酶II和III而不影响RNA聚合酶I(Novello和Stirpe,1970)。
背景 在真核细胞中,RNA聚合酶I转录位于核仁中的核糖体基因,产生45S rRNA前体分子。这些被处理以形成成熟的18S,5.8S和28S ...
[Abstract] Compared to an in vivo experiment, neuronal cell cultures are immediately accessible to observation and manipulation. In this protocol, we describe a technique to evaluate the cytotoxicity of a metal, manganese (Mn2+), on hippocampal neuronal cell cultures. Interestingly, this protocol is easily adaptable to any type of primary culture (e.g., cortical neurons) and any type of toxic compound (e.g., chemical product).
This protocol is similar to "Neuron-enriched Cultures (Method 2)" protocol (Gao, 2011).
[摘要] 与体内实验相比,神经元细胞培养物可立即进行观察和操作。 在该协议中,我们描述了评价金属锰(Mn 2 + )对海马神经元细胞培养物的细胞毒性的技术。 有趣的是,该方案容易适用于任何类型的原代培养物(例如,皮层神经元)和任何类型的有毒化合物(例如,化学产品)。 此协议类似于"神经元富集培养物(方法2)"方案(Gao,2011) 。