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Corning® 100µm Cell Strainer

Corning® 100μm Cell Strainer, Yellow

Company: Corning
Catalog#: 431752
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Isolation of Intact Vacuoles from Petunia Petals and Extraction of Sequestered Glycosylated Phenylpropanoid Compounds
[Abstract]  Plant vacuoles are the largest compartment in plant cells, occupying more than 80% of the cell volume. A variety of proteins, sugars, pigments and other metabolites are stored in these organelles (Paris et al., 1996; Olbrich et al., 2007). Flowers produce a variety of specialized metabolites, some of which are unique to this organ, such as components of pollination syndromes, i.e., scent volatiles and flavonoids (Hoballah et al., 2007; Cna'ani et al., 2015). To study the compounds stored in floral vacuoles, this compartment must be separated from the rest of the cell. To enable isolation of vacuoles, protoplasts were first generated by incubating pierced corollas with cellulase and macrozyme enzymes. After filtering and several centrifugation ... [摘要]  植物液泡是植物细胞中最大的隔室,占细胞体积的80%以上。各种蛋白质,糖,色素和其他代谢物存储在这些细胞器中(Paris et al。,1996; Olbrich et al。,2007)。花产生多种特殊代谢物,其中一些是该器官特有的,如授粉综合征的成分, ie ,气味挥发物和黄酮类化合物(Hoballah et al。, 2007; Cna'ani et al。,2015)。为了研究存储在花液泡中的化合物,必须将该隔室与细胞的其余部分分开。为了能够分离液泡,首先通过将刺穿的花冠与纤维素酶和macrozyme酶一起孵育来产生原生质体。在过滤和几个离心步骤后,通过显微镜观察显示原生质体与碎片和受损/破裂的原生质体分离。裂解浓缩的原生质体,并通过Ficoll梯度离心提取液泡。 Vacuoles用于隔离代谢物的定量GC-MS分析。这种方法使我们能够将空泡识别为糖基化挥发性苯丙酸类的亚细胞聚集位点,并假设共轭气味化合物在通向顶空的途径中被隔离(Cna'ani et al。,2017) 。

【背景】植物空泡占植物细胞中细胞体积的80%。这些细胞器对植物生长和发育至关重要,在整个植物的生命中具有不同的功能。 ...

Isolation and Purification of Schwann Cells from Spinal Nerves of Neonatal Rat
[Abstract]  Primary cultured Schwann cells (SCs) are widely used in the investigation of the biology of SC and are important seed cells for neural tissue engineering. Here, we describe a novel protocol for harvesting primary cultured SCs from neonatal Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. In the present protocol, dissociated SCs are isolated from the spinal nerves of neonatal rats and purified by the treatment of cytosine arabinoside (AraC). [摘要]  原代培养的雪旺氏细胞(SCs)广泛用于SC的生物学研究,是神经组织工程的重要种子细胞。 在这里,我们描述了从新生Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠中收获原代培养的SC的新方案。 在本方案中,解离的SCs从新生大鼠的脊神经中分离并通过治疗阿糖胞苷(AraC)进行纯化。
【背景】SC是周围神经系统(PNS)的神经胶质细胞。主要SCs的分离和纯化是研究SC生物学的关键步骤。此外,纯化的原代培养的SC是用于神经组织工程的重要种子细胞。迄今为止,已经基于Brockes(Brockes等人,1979)的方法报道了培养SC的各种方法。通过报道的方法,坐骨神经主要用于SC隔离,因为它们尺寸大并且可以容易地获得。然而,坐骨神经的SC容易被成纤维细胞污染,因为结缔组织难以清除。特别是神经管和神经束是成纤维细胞的主要来源。没有特殊处理,污染的成纤维细胞比SCs快得多,并且将很快成为培养物中主要的细胞。在过去几十年中,已经开发出许多用于从污染成纤维细胞中分离SC的纯化方法。这些纯化方法的细节包括单一或组合的抗有丝分裂处理(Wood,1976),抗体介导的细胞溶解(Brockes等人,1979),免疫选择(Assouline等人,,1983; ...

Mouse Model of Reversible Intestinal Inflammation
[Abstract]  Current therapies to treat inflammatory bowel disease by dampening excessive inflammatory immune responses have had limited success (Reinisch et al., 2011; Rutgeerts et al., 2005; Sandborn et al., 2012). To develop new therapeutic interventions, there is a need for better understanding of the mechanisms that are operative during mucosal healing (Pineton de Chambrun et al., 2010). To this end, a reversible model of colitis was developed in which colitis induced by adoptive transfer of naïve CD4+ CD45RBhi T cells in lymphopenic mice can be reversed through depletion of colitogenic CD4+ T cells (Brasseit et al., 2016). [摘要]  目前通过抑制过度炎症免疫应答治疗炎症性肠病的治疗方法取得了有限的成功(Reinisch等人,2011; Rutgeerts等人,2005; Sandborn等人[ et al。,2012)。为了开发新的治疗干预措施,需要更好地了解粘膜愈合期间手术的机制(Pineton de Chambrun等,2010)。为此,开发了一种可逆模型的结肠炎,其中通过淋巴细胞小鼠中过早转移原始CD4 + / CD40RB T细胞诱导的结肠炎可以通过消除结肠发生CD4 + T细胞(Brasseit等,2016)。

背景随着发展旨在重现人类疾病的动物模型,我们对肠道炎症性肠疾病(IBD)的发病机制的理解已经大大改善(Khanna等人)。 ,2014)。尽管鉴定了广泛的免疫学目标,目前的治疗方法在治疗IBD方面取得的成功有限,而且有关知识可用于建立长期缓解和相关粘膜愈合时引起的机制(D'Haens >等,,2014)。到目前为止,一个主要的限制是缺乏动物模型,其中可以在具有既定疾病的动物中可再现地诱导缓解。在感染引起肠道炎症的模型中,促炎和抗炎机制可以同时运作,这意味着在解决炎症期间解剖不同免疫途径的作用可能是一个挑战(Endt等人。 ,2010; ...
