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Coyote urine

Coyote urine

Company: Maine Outdoor Solutions
Catalog#: ACOYD
Other protocol()

Fear Conditioning Assay in Mouse
[Abstract]  The study of fear memory is important for understanding various anxiety disorders in which patients experience persistent recollections of traumatic events. These memories often involve associations of contextual cues with aversive events; consequently, Pavlovian classical conditioning is commonly used to study contextual fear learning. A form of contextual fear conditioning that is becoming increasingly important as an animal model of anxiety disorders uses predator odor as a fearful stimulus. Innate fear responses to predator odors are well characterized and reliable; however, attempts to use these odors as unconditioned stimuli in fear conditioning paradigms have been highly dependent on experimental setup and have produced inconsistent behavioral results. Here we present a contextual ... [摘要]  恐惧记忆的研究对于了解患者经历持续不断创伤性事件的各种焦虑症是重要的。 这些记忆经常涉及到具有厌恶性事件的语境线索的关联; 因此,巴甫洛夫经典条件通常用于研究情境恐惧学习。 作为焦虑症的动物模型正在变得越来越重要的语境恐惧条件的形式使用捕食者气味作为可怕的刺激。 对捕食者气味的先天恐惧反应具有良好的特征和可靠性; 然而,尝试将这些气味用作恐惧调节范例中的无条件刺激已经高度依赖于实验设置,并且已经产生不一致的行为结果。 在这里,我们提出了使用土狼尿液作为无条件刺激的情境恐惧条件范例,已被证明可以产生响应于恐惧学习的一致的语境冷冻(Wang等人,2012)。
