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Potassium iodide


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 746428
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Micropropagation of Prickly Pear by Axillary Shoot Proliferation
[Abstract]  A protocol for the axillary bud proliferation of prickly pear (Opuntia; Cactaceae) is presented. This genus is widely used as a crop in the arid and semi-arid areas of the globe worldwide, providing numerous benefits for human and animal consumption. In vitro culture for axillary bud proliferation is of great use to obtain a large quantity of plants in a short period of time, with potential uses in production and for the preservation of endangered species of the Opuntia genus.

The optimal medium for Opuntia in vitro culture consists of Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) and L2 vitamins. To increase the yield of the axillary bud proliferation, we recommend the addition of plant growth regulators (PGRs). This work suggests a 15 d incubation in the ...
[摘要]  提出了刺梨( Opuntia; Cactaceae )腋芽增殖的方案。 该属广泛用作全球干旱和半干旱地区的作物,为人类和动物消费提供了许多益处。 腋芽增殖的体外培养对于在短时间内获得大量植物具有重要意义,可用于生产和保存罂粟的濒危物种 属。

仙人掌体外培养的最佳培养基由Murashige和Skoog培养基(MS)和L2维生素组成。 为了增加腋芽增殖的产量,我们建议添加植物生长调节剂(PGRs)。 这项工作表明在含有2.2mg / L苄基氨基嘌呤(BA)的培养基中培养15天,然后将外植体转移到不含PGR的培养基中。 我们还解释了如何使植物适应体外条件。

【背景】仙人掌(刺梨)属是仙人掌科家族的成员之一(Bravo-Hollis,1978)。虽然它原产于美洲,但目前生长在欧洲南部,非洲北部,澳大利亚,中东,西亚和世界其他地区的野生和商业种植园中(Ochoa和Barbera,1995; Kiesling和Metzing) ,2017)。仙人掌对干旱和半干旱环境以及生活在这些地区的人类群落产生了深远的影响,因为尽管在干旱地区生长,其生物量仍然很高(Acevedo et al。,1983)。在许多这样的领域, Opuntia 属被用于许多方面。 仙人掌的幼枝可以作为蔬菜食用;水果直接食用或加工成果冻,果汁或糖果(Barba et ...

Detection of Nitric Oxide and Determination of Nitrite Concentrations in Arabidopsis thaliana and Azospirilum brasilense
[Abstract]  There is now general agreement that nitric oxide (NO) is an important and almost ubiquitous signal in plants. Nevertheless, there are still many controversial observations and differing opinions on the importance and functions of NO in plants. Partly, this may be due to the difficulties in detecting and quantifying NO. Here, we summarize protocols for detecting NO and quantifying nitrite concentration in Arabidopsis seedlings. We also present a method to measure NO in biofilms formed by the plant growth promoting rhizobacteria Azospirillum brasilense (A. brasilense). NO in oxygen-containing aqueous solutions has a short half-life that is often attributed to a rapid oxidation to nitrite. Here we detail the use of the fluorescent probe DAF-FM DA and the ... [摘要]  现在普遍认为一氧化氮(NO)是植物中重要的和几乎普遍存在的信号。然而,对于植物中NO的重要性和功能仍有许多有争议的观察和不同的观点。部分地,这可能是由于检测中的困难以及甚至更多的在定量NO。在这里,我们总结了在拟南芥幼苗中检测NO和定量亚硝酸盐浓度的方案以及在由植物生长促进根瘤菌(Azospirillum brasilense)形成的生物膜中的NO实时测量( > A。brasilense )。含氧水溶液中的NO具有短的半衰期,其通常归因于快速氧化成亚硝酸盐。在这里我们详细的使用荧光探针DAF-FM DA和电化学方法分别直接检测和定量NO,Griess试剂通过其氧化的亚硝酸盐形式间接检测NO。这些方案可用于多种细胞类型和植物的不同组织以及微生物。
