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NuncTM 96-Well Cap Mats

NuncTM 96孔盖帽

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 276002
Other protocol()

Cytokinin Analysis: Sample Preparation and Quantification
[Abstract]  Cytokinins are a group of phytohormones discovered about half a decade ago by Miller et al. (1955) and Skoog et al. (1965). Since then they were found to participate in many plant physiological processes, including the regulation of the source/sink transitions, plant growth and organ development, responses to environmental conditions such as light, nutrient and water availability and biotic interactions with mutualists, pathogens and herbivores (Werner and Schmülling, 2009; Giron et al., 2013). To aid the quantification of cytokinins for analyzing their changes after environmental stress conditions, we developed this cytokinin extraction and analysis method. This protocol is based on the cytokinin extraction with an acidic methanol-water solution and ... [摘要]  细胞分裂素是由Miller等人(1955)和Skoog等人(1965)在约十年前发现的一组植物激素。从那时起,他们被发现参与许多植物生理过程,包括源/汇过渡,植物生长和器官发育的调节,对环境条件的反应,例如光,营养物和水的可用性以及与共生物,病原体和草食动物的生物相互作用(Werner和Schmülling,2009; Giron等人,2013)。为了帮助定量分析细胞分裂素在环境胁迫条件后的变化,我们开发了这种细胞分裂素提取和分析方法。该方案基于用酸性甲醇 - 水溶液的细胞分裂素提取和由Dobrev和Kamınek(2002)和Kojima等人的修改描述的混合模式固相提取程序进行纯化。 (2009)。该方案被成功地用于验证表达细胞分裂素生物合成基因的转基因烟草(Nicotiana attenuata)植物中的细胞分裂素过度产生肿瘤形态学根( Tmr 在温室和田间条件下在化学诱导型表达系统pOp6/LhGR的控制下培养根癌土壤杆菌(Schäfer等人,2013),以研究细胞分裂素在植物 - 草食动物中的作用互动。
