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Chitinase from Streptomyces griseus

来自灰色链霉菌(Streptomyces griseus)的几丁质酶

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: C6137
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Generation of Fusarium graminearum Knockout Mutants by the Split-marker Recombination Approach
[Abstract]  Fusarium graminearum is a destructive phytopathogen and shows an impressive metabolic diversity. Gene deletion is an important and useful approach for gene function study. Here we present a protocol for generating gene deletion mutant by applying “split-marker” deletion strategy (Catlett et al., 2003) with PEG-mediated protoplast transformation (Yuan et al., 2008; Martín, 2015). [摘要]  禾谷镰刀菌是一种破坏性的植物病原体,具有令人印象深刻的代谢多样性。 基因缺失是基因功能研究的重要且有用的方法。 在这里,我们提出了一个协议,通过应用“分裂标记”删除策略(Catlett et al。,2003)与PEG介导的原生质体转化(Yuan 等。,2008;Martín,2015)。

Chitin Extraction and Content Measurement in Magnaporthe oryzae
[Abstract]  Chitin is a linear polysaccharide composed of β (1→4)-linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues. In fungi, chitin is an important component of the cell wall. Here, we provide a protocol to measure the chitin content of fungal cells using Magnaporthe oryzae as an example. [摘要]  壳多糖是由β(1→4)连接的N-乙酰葡糖胺(GlcNAc)残基组成的线性多糖。在真菌中,几丁质是细胞壁的重要成分。在这里,我们提供了使用稻瘟病菌(Metaporthe oryzae)来测量真菌细胞的壳多糖含量的方案。

背景 壳多糖是真菌病原体细胞壁的重要成分,是众所周知的病原体相关分子模式(PAMP)。确定真菌物种的几丁质含量对于研究真菌生物学和宿主 - 病原体相互作用是重要的。基于比色法的Morgan-Elson方法已经在酵母中调节以测量细胞几丁质水平(Leloir和Cardini,1953; Bulik等人,2003; Baker等人, ,,2007)。然而,没有针对稻米稻瘟病菌确定的具体方案,这是世界上最重要的真菌病的稻瘟病的致病因子。在这里,我们描述了一种可靠和简单的方案,该协议由Morgan-Elson方法修改,以测试M的甲壳质含量。 oryzae (Song 等人,2010)。

Quantification of Chitinase Activity in Fusarium oxysporum
[Abstract]  Fungal morphogenetic development requires modification and plasticity of the cell wall, which implies synthesis and remodelling of its components, including chitin and glucan. Thus chitinase and glucanase activities are crucial for cell-wall biogenesis and cell division. Quantification of chitinase activity might be useful to identify structural defects that could negatively influence growth and morphogenesis of some filamentous fungi like Fusarium oxysporum, which produces both intracellular and secreted chitinases. The chitinolytic enzymes are categorized based on their enzymatic action on chitin substrates. Endochitinases are defined as the enzymes catalyzing the random cleavage at internal points in the chitin chain. Exochitinases catalyze the progressive release of ... [摘要]  真菌形态发生需要细胞壁的修饰和可塑性,这意味着其组分(包括壳多糖和葡聚糖)的合成和重塑。因此几丁质酶和葡聚糖酶活性对于细胞壁生物发生和细胞分裂是至关重要的。几丁质酶活性的定量可能有助于鉴定可能负面影响一些丝状真菌如产生细胞内和分泌型几丁质酶的尖孢镰刀菌的生长和形态发生的结构缺陷。基于它们对壳多糖底物的酶作用将壳聚糖分解酶分类。内酯酶被定义为催化几丁质链中内部点的随机裂解的酶。外切球蛋白酶催化乙酰壳寡糖或N-乙酰葡糖胺从几丁质的非还原端逐步释放,因此分别称为壳聚糖酶和β-N-乙酰氨基葡糖苷酶。在这里,我们描述了一种简单的方法来轻易地纯化几丁质酶,以便比较不同的F的内切几丁质酶活性和外切几丁质酶活性。尖孢镰孢菌株。该方案可适用于任何真菌物种。
