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di-Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate


Company: EMD Millipore
Catalog#: 106580
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Preparation of Primary Cultures of Embryonic Rat Hippocampal and Cerebrocortical Neurons
[Abstract]  This protocol aims at standardizing the procedure to obtain primary cultures of hippocampal and cerebrocortical neurons for in vitro experiments. Cultures should be prepared from cells isolated during embryonic development when neuronal precursor cells are not yet fully differentiated. This helps increasing the quality and quantity of cells, while offering minimal cell death that often occurs during dissociation of differentiated neurons. Cells plated under the appropriate conditions, either in Petri-dishes or in multi-well plates, will develop and establish synaptic contacts over time since the neuronal culture medium provides the nutrients and trophic factors required for differentiation. In this protocol we describe the methodology for the preparation of both cortical and ... [摘要]  该方案旨在标准化海马和脑皮质神经元原代培养物的体外实验。 培养物应从胚胎发育期间分离的细胞制备,当神经元前体细胞尚未完全分化时。 这有助于提高细胞的质量和数量,同时提供通常在分化的神经元解离期间发生的最小的细胞死亡。 在合适的条件下,在培养皿或多孔板中铺板的细胞将随着时间的推移而发展和建立突触接触,因为神经元培养基提供分化所需的营养和营养因子。 在这个协议中,我们描述了制备皮质和海马神经元培养物的方法。
【背景】本方案描述了使用补充有NeuroCultTM SM1的Neurobasal培养基(Chen等人,2008)的大鼠海马和脑皮层神经元的原代培养物的制备。 NeuroCultTM SM1的组成基于B27补充剂的制剂(Brewer等,1993),但是前者的混合物被发现提高了神经元培养的质量,部分地通过用全转运蛋白替代载脂蛋白转运蛋白 Chen et al。,2008)。 此外,NeuroCultTM SM1的化学成分在原始出版物中有更详细的描述,可以更好地控制实验条件。 用化学确定的培养基制备的神经元培养物的特征在于存在低百分比的星形胶质细胞。 通过添加有丝分裂5-氟-2'-脱氧尿苷的化学抑制剂可以防止维持更长时间的培养物中星形胶质细胞的增殖以允许神经元分化。

Mouse Model of Reversible Intestinal Inflammation
[Abstract]  Current therapies to treat inflammatory bowel disease by dampening excessive inflammatory immune responses have had limited success (Reinisch et al., 2011; Rutgeerts et al., 2005; Sandborn et al., 2012). To develop new therapeutic interventions, there is a need for better understanding of the mechanisms that are operative during mucosal healing (Pineton de Chambrun et al., 2010). To this end, a reversible model of colitis was developed in which colitis induced by adoptive transfer of naïve CD4+ CD45RBhi T cells in lymphopenic mice can be reversed through depletion of colitogenic CD4+ T cells (Brasseit et al., 2016). [摘要]  目前通过抑制过度炎症免疫应答治疗炎症性肠病的治疗方法取得了有限的成功(Reinisch等人,2011; Rutgeerts等人,2005; Sandborn等人[ et al。,2012)。为了开发新的治疗干预措施,需要更好地了解粘膜愈合期间手术的机制(Pineton de Chambrun等,2010)。为此,开发了一种可逆模型的结肠炎,其中通过淋巴细胞小鼠中过早转移原始CD4 + / CD40RB T细胞诱导的结肠炎可以通过消除结肠发生CD4 + T细胞(Brasseit等,2016)。

背景随着发展旨在重现人类疾病的动物模型,我们对肠道炎症性肠疾病(IBD)的发病机制的理解已经大大改善(Khanna等人)。 ,2014)。尽管鉴定了广泛的免疫学目标,目前的治疗方法在治疗IBD方面取得的成功有限,而且有关知识可用于建立长期缓解和相关粘膜愈合时引起的机制(D'Haens >等,,2014)。到目前为止,一个主要的限制是缺乏动物模型,其中可以在具有既定疾病的动物中可再现地诱导缓解。在感染引起肠道炎症的模型中,促炎和抗炎机制可以同时运作,这意味着在解决炎症期间解剖不同免疫途径的作用可能是一个挑战(Endt等人。 ,2010; ...

Aniline Blue and Calcofluor White Staining of Callose and Cellulose in the Streptophyte Green Algae Zygnema and Klebsormidium
[Abstract]  Plant including green algal cells are surrounded by a cell wall, which is a diverse composite of complex polysaccharides and crucial for their function and survival. Here we describe two simple protocols to visualize callose (1→3-β-D-glucose) and cellulose (1→4-β-D-glucose) and related polysaccharides in the cell walls of streptophyte green algae. Untreated or algal cells heated in NaOH are incubated in Calcofluor white (binding to β-glucans including cellulose) or Aniline blue (binding to callose), respectively. Both dyes can be visualized by epifluorescence microscopy. [摘要]  包括绿藻细胞的植物被细胞壁包围,所述细胞壁是复合多糖的多样复合物,并且对于它们的功能和存活是至关重要的。在这里我们描述两个简单的协议,可视化胼lose质(1→3-β-D-葡萄糖)和纤维素(1→4-β-D-葡萄糖)和相关的多糖在链霉素绿藻的细胞壁。将在NaOH中加热的未处理或藻类细胞分别在Calcofluor白(结合β-葡聚糖包括纤维素)或苯胺蓝(结合胼cal质)中孵育。两种染料都可以通过落射荧光显微镜观察。

[背景] 由于其容易和快速的适用性,使用苯胺蓝显现各种株Klebsormidium sp中的胼。质。和在更艰苦的固定和免疫定位方案(Herburger和Holzinger,2015)之前使用Zygnema。应用苯胺蓝染色和单克隆抗体对胼lose质产生类似的结果(Herburger和Holzinger,2015)。 Calcofluor白色染色是观察包括细胞壁的纤维素的1→4-β-葡聚糖部分的最快方式,因为不需要预处理。
