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12% Mini-PROTEAN® TGXTM Precast Protein Gels, 10-well, 30 µl

12%Mini-PROTEAN ® TGX TM预制蛋白凝胶

Company: Bio-Rad Laboratories
Catalog#: 4561043
Other protocol()

Heterologous Expression and Purification of the CRISPR-Cas12a/Cpf1 Protein
[Abstract]  This protocol provides step by step instructions (Figure 1) for heterologous expression of Francisella novicida Cas12a (previously known as Cpf1) in Escherichia coli. It additionally includes a protocol for high-purity purification and briefly describes how activity assays can be performed. These protocols can also be used for purification of other Cas12a homologs and the purified proteins can be used for subsequent genome editing experiments.

Figure 1. Timeline of activities for the heterologous expression and purification of Francisella novicida Cas12a (FnCas12a) from Escherichia coli
[摘要]  该协议提供了分步说明(图1),用于在大肠杆菌中异源表达新西兰弗朗西斯菌弗朗西丝菌Cas12a(以前称为Cpf1)。 它还包括一个高纯度纯化方案,并简要介绍如何进行活性测定。 这些方案也可以用于其他Cas12a同系物的纯化,并且纯化的蛋白质可以用于随后的基因组编辑实验。

图1.从大肠杆菌 异源表达和纯化<弗朗西斯弗朗西丝菌 Cas12a(FnCas12a)的活动时间表

【背景】原核CRISPR-Cas免疫系统通过使用CRISPR RNA(crRNA)作为外源DNA或RNA的序列特异性靶向的指导来提供针对病毒和质粒的保护(van der Oost等人,2014; Marraffini ,2015)。 1类CRISPR-Cas系统(包含I型,III型和IV型)通常形成多亚基蛋白-cRNA效应复合物,而2类系统(包含II型,V型和VI型)依赖于单个crRNA-引导的效应物核酸酶用于目标干扰(Mohanraju et al。 2016年)。


Active Cdk5 Immunoprecipitation and Kinase Assay
[Abstract]  Cdk5 activity is regulated by the amounts of two activator proteins, p35 and p39 (Tsai et al., 1994; Zheng et al., 1998; Humbert et al., 2000). The p35-Cdk5 and p39-Cdk5 complexes have differing sensitivity to salt and detergent concentrations (Hisanaga and Saito, 2003; Sato et al., 2007; Yamada et al., 2007; Asada et al., 2008). Cdk5 activation can be directly measured by immunoprecipitation of Cdk5 with its bound activator, followed by a Cdk5 kinase assay. In this protocol, buffers for cell lysis and immunoprecipitation are intended to preserve both p35- and p39-Cdk5 complexes to assess total Cdk5 activity. Cells are lysed and protein concentration is determined in the post-nuclear supernatant. Cdk5 is immunoprecipitated from equal ... [摘要]  Cdk5活性受两种激活蛋白p35和p39(Tsai et al。,1994; Zheng et al。,1998; Humbert等人)的量的调节,2000)。 p35-Cdk5和p39-Cdk5复合物对盐和洗涤剂浓度的敏感性不同(Hisanaga和Saito,2003; Sato et al。,2007; Yamada等人, 2007; Asada 等人,2008)。 Cdk5激活可以通过Cdk5与其结合的激活剂的免疫沉淀直接测量,随后进行Cdk5激酶测定。在该方案中,用于细胞裂解和免疫沉淀的缓冲液旨在保持p35-和p39-Cdk5复合物以评估总Cdk5活性。裂解细胞,并在核后上清液中测定蛋白浓度。 Cdk5在实验组之间从等量的总蛋白免疫沉淀。然后进行洗涤以除去外来蛋白质并平衡激酶缓冲液中的Cdk5-活化剂复合物。然后将Cdk5与组蛋白H1孵育,组蛋白H1是Cdk5和[γ- 32 P] ATP在体外成功建立的靶标。反应通过SDS-PAGE解析并转移到膜上,用于可视化H1磷酸化和免疫沉淀的Cdk5水平的免疫印迹。我们已经使用该测定来建立p39作为少突神经胶质谱系中Cdk5的主要活化剂。然而,该测定法适用于对裂解条件进行适当调整的其它细胞谱系或组织。
【背景】虽然Cdk5通常与神经元功能相关,但最近的工作已经证明Cdk5也可以调节少突胶质细胞祖细胞(OPC)的发育(Tang等人,1998; ...

Lipid Extraction from HeLa Cells, Quantification of Lipids, Formation of Large Unilamellar Vesicles (LUVs) by Extrusion and in vitro Protein-lipid Binding Assays, Analysis of the Incubation Product by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and by Flotation across a Discontinuous Sucrose Gradient
[Abstract]  Dissecting the interactions established between proteins and membranes in a given type of cells is not an easy task. Using a cell-free system of large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) to analyze these interactions may help decipher these interactions and identify potential membrane deformations induced by the proteins incubated with these LUVs. This article describes the protocols for 1) extraction of total lipids from eukaryotic cells using the method developed by Bligh and Dyer (1959), 2) the quantification of glycerophospholipids by gas chromatography after methanolysis, followed by 3) the formation of LUVs by extrusion, 4) protein-lipid binding assay, 5) analysis of the incubation product by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and by flotation across a discontinuous sucrose gradient and ... [摘要]  解剖在给定类型的细胞中蛋白质和膜之间建立的相互作用不是一个容易的任务。使用大单层囊泡(LUV)的无细胞系统来分析这些相互作用可以帮助破译这些相互作用和识别由与这些LUV孵育的蛋白质诱导的潜在的膜变形。本文介绍了1)使用由Bligh和Dyer(1959)开发的方法从真核细胞中提取总脂质,2)在甲醇分解后通过气相色谱法定量甘油磷脂,然后3)通过挤出形成LUV的方案, 4)蛋白质 - 脂质结合测定,5)通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)和通过不连续蔗糖梯度浮选分析孵育产物,最后,6)通过免疫印迹分析蛋白质并通过碘素熏蒸显示甘油磷脂。

[背景] 包含巨单层囊泡(GUV;由单个磷脂双层组成,直径大于1μm)或脂质体孵育的无细胞系统与重组蛋白可能有助于了解这些相互作用。根据它们的直径和层数,脂质体被分为小的单层囊泡(SUV;由单个磷脂双层构成的囊泡,直径在20和100nm之间),大的单层囊泡(LUV;由单个双层磷脂,并且直径在100和400nm之间),大多层囊泡(MLV;由多个磷脂双层构成且直径在200nm和3μm之间的囊泡)和多泡囊泡(MVV);由囊泡组成的大囊泡单个双层磷脂,并含有几个较小的囊泡,每个囊泡由单个双层磷脂组成)。 ...
