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C57/BL6J mice

C57BL / 6J小鼠

Catalog#: 000664
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Optic Nerve Crush in Mice to Study Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and Regeneration
[Abstract]  In diseases such as glaucoma, the failure of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) neurons to survive or regenerate their optic nerve axons underlies partial and, in some cases, complete vision loss. Optic nerve crush (ONC) serves as a useful model not only of traumatic optic neuropathy but also of glaucomatous injury, as it similarly induces RGC cell death and degeneration. Intravitreal injection of adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2) has been shown to specifically and efficiently transduce RGCs in vivo and has thus been proposed as an effective means of gene delivery for the treatment of glaucoma. Indeed, we and others routinely use AAV2 to study the mechanisms that promote neuroprotection and axon regeneration in RGCs following ONC. Herein, we describe a step-by-step protocol to ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 在青光眼等疾病中,视网膜神经节细胞(RGC)神经元无法存活或无法再生视神经轴突,这是部分视力丧失的原因,在某些情况下,甚至是完全的视力丧失。视神经挤压术(ONC)不仅可以作为创伤性视神经病变的一种有用模型,而且还可以作为青光眼损伤的有用模型,因为它类似地诱导RGC细胞死亡和变性。腺相关病毒血清型2(AAV2)的玻璃体内注射已被证明特别地和有效地转导视网膜神经节细胞在体内和已因而被提出作为基因递送用于治疗青光眼的治疗的有效手段。确实,我们和其他人常规使用AAV2来研究促进ONC 后RGC中神经保护和轴突再生的机制。本文中,我们描述了分步操作的方案,以测定AAV2介导的转导和ONC损伤后小鼠中RGC的存活和再生,包括1)玻璃体内注射AAV2病毒载体,2)视神经挤压,3)霍乱毒素B (CTB)标记再生轴突,4)视神经清除,5)视网膜平面免疫染色和6)定量RGC存活和再生。除了提供执行此协议所需的所有材料和程序详细信息之外,我们还强调了它比其他相似的已发表方法的优势,并提供了有用的技巧以确保其在任何现代实验室中都能如实复制。

[背景 ] 青光眼是世界范围内不可逆失​​明的主要原因,其特征是视网膜神经节细胞(RGCs)逐渐退化和丧失,这是构成连接视网膜与大脑的视神经的中央投射神经元(Quigley ,2011 ; Tham ...

Labeling Aversive Memory Trace in Mouse Using a Doxycycline-inducible Expression System
[Abstract]  A memory trace, also known as a memory engram, is theorized to be a mechanism for physical memory storage in the brain (Silva et al., 2009; Josselyn, 2010) and memory trace is associated with a specific population of neurons (Liu et al., 2012; Ramirez et al., 2013). Labeling and stimulating those neurons will activate the memory trace (Liu et al., 2012; Ramirez et al., 2013). Memory appears to be spread over different regions of the brain rather than being localized to one area. Therefore, the methods used to trace memory have the ability to improve our understanding of neuronal circuits. In this protocol, we introduce a doxycycline-inducible expression system to label the specific neurons associated with the original memory trace. [摘要]  存储器跟踪(也称为存储器枚举)被理论化为大脑中物理存储器存储的机制(Silva等人,2009; Josselyn,2010),并且内存跟踪与一个 特定的神经元群体(Liu et al。,2012; Ramirez等人,2013)。 标记和刺激那些神经元将激活记忆痕迹(Liu et al。,2012; Ramirez等人,2013)。 记忆似乎分布在大脑的不同区域,而不是局限于一个区域。 因此,用于跟踪记忆的方法有能力提高我们对神经元电路的理解。 在本协议中,我们引入多西环素诱导表达系统来标记与原始记忆痕迹相关的特定神经元。
【背景】记忆痕迹是记忆被存储为大脑物理或生物化学变化的理论手段(Ryan等人,2015)。在二十世纪初德国动物学家理查德·塞蒙(Richard Semon)制定记忆追踪概念之后,记忆存储的具体过程一直是神经科学领域辩论的一个未解决的话题(Poo et al。,2016)。尽管记忆机制已经成为几十年来的争论焦点,但已经一致认为,特定的神经元被用于记忆的存储(Liu等人,2012; Ramirez等人, ...

Isolation and Analysis of Stromal Cell Populations from Mouse Lymph Nodes
[Abstract]  Our protocol describes a simple procedure for isolating stromal cells from lymph nodes (LN). LN are disrupted then enzymatically digested with collagenase and dispase to produce a single cell suspension that can be stained with fluorescently labelled antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. This protocol will enable identification of fibroblastic reticular cells (FRC), lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC), blood endothelial cells (BEC) as PNAd+ BEC that form LN high endothelial venules (HEV). This method can be applied to examine LN stromal cell responses during inflammatory events induced by infections or immunologic adjuvants and to subset most leukocytes found in LN. [摘要]  我们的方案描述了从淋巴结(LN)分离基质细胞的简单过程。 LN被破坏,然后用胶原酶和分散酶酶消化以产生可以用荧光标记的抗体染色的单细胞悬浮液并通过流式细胞术分析。 该方案能够识别形成LN高内皮小静脉(HEV)的PNAd + BEC的成纤维细胞网状细胞(FRC),淋巴内皮细胞(LEC),血液内皮细胞(BEC)。 该方法可以用于检测由感染或免疫佐剂诱导的炎症事件期间的LN基质细胞反应,并且在LN中发现大多数白细胞。
