Induction of Natural Competence in Genetically-modified Lactococcus lactis
[Abstract] Natural competence can be activated in Lactoccocus lactis subsp lactis and cremoris upon overexpression of ComX, a master regulator of bacterial competence. Herein, we demonstrate a method to activate bacterial competence by regulating the expression of the comX gene by using a nisin-inducible promoter in an L. lactis strain harboring either a chromosomal or plasmid-encoded copy of nisRK. Addition of moderate concentrations of the inducer nisin resulted in concomitant moderate levels of ComX, which led to an optimal transformation rate (1.0 x 10-6 transformants/total cell number/g plasmid DNA). Here, a detailed description of the optimized protocol for competence induction is presented.
[摘要] 在过度表达细菌能力的主要调节因子ComX后,天然能力可以在乳酸乳球菌亚种乳酸和 cremoris 中激活。 在本文中,我们展示了通过在 L中使用乳链菌肽诱导型启动子调节 comX 基因的表达来激活细菌能力的方法。 含有 nisRK 的染色体或质粒编码拷贝的lactis 菌株。 加入中等浓度的诱导剂乳链菌肽导致伴随的中等水平的ComX,其导致最佳转化率(1.0×10 2 sup / -6>转化子/总细胞数/ g质粒DNA)。 在此,提出了用于能力归纳的优化协议的详细描述。
【背景】自然能力是细菌通过专门的摄取机制获得外源DNA的过程,之后内化的DNA整合到其基因组中或作为质粒DNA维持。一些细菌在特定的环境触发因素如基因毒性应激或饥饿时进入能力状态(Seitz和Blokesch,2013; Blokesch,2016)。群体感应系统,如 comCDE 或 comRS ,控制着革兰氏阳性菌的自然能力的激活(Håvarstein et al。,1995; Pestova et al。,1996; Kleerebezem et al。,1997b; Fontaine et al。,2015)。更具体地说, comC 和 comS 编码信息素,而 comD 编码组氨酸激酶和 comE 和 comR 编码响应调节器(Håvarstein et al。,1995; ...
Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing in Maize
[Abstract] DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that regulates plant development (Law and Jacobsen, 2010). Whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) is a state-of-the-art method for profiling genome-wide methylation patterns with single-base resolution (Cokus et al., 2008). However, for an organism with a large genome, e.g., the 2.1 Gb genome of maize, WGBS may be very expensive. Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) has been developed in mammalian studies (Smith et al., 2009). By digesting the genome with MspI with a size selection range of approximately 40-220 bp, CG-rich regions covering only ~1% of the human genome can be specifically sequenced. However, unlike mammalian genomes, plant genomes do not exhibit clear CpG islands. Therefore ...
[摘要] DNA甲基化是调节植物发育的表观遗传修饰(Law and Jacobsen,2010)。全基因组亚硫酸氢盐测序(WGBS)是用单碱基分辨率分析全基因组甲基化模式的最先进的方法(Cokus et al。,2008)。然而,对于具有大基因组的生物体,例如玉米的2.1Gb基因组,WGBS可能非常昂贵。代表性亚硫酸氢盐测序(RRBS)已经在哺乳动物研究中发展(Smith等人,2009)。通过用大小选择范围大约40-220bp的 Msp 消化基因组,可以对仅涵盖〜1%人类基因组的CG富含区域进行特异性测序。然而,与哺乳动物基因组不同,植物基因组不显示清楚的CpG岛。因此原来的RRBS协议不适用于工厂。因此,我们开发了一种计算机管道来选择特定的酶以生成感兴趣区域(ROI) - 富集的,例如,富含启动子的,减少的植物表达基因组(例如, Hsu et al。,2017)。通过用MseI消化玉米基因组并选择40-300bp片段,我们测序了大约四分之一的玉米基因组,同时保留了84.3%的启动子信息。该协议已在玉米中成功建立,可广泛应用于任何基因组。我们的计算机管道系统与RRBS文库制备方案相结合,允许进行计算分析和实验验证。
【背景】DNA甲基化是一种可遗传的表观遗传修饰,通过调节基因表达和染色质结构在动物,植物和真菌的许多发育过程中发挥重要作用(Law and ...
Lentiviral Knockdown of Transcription Factor STAT1 in Peromyscus leucopus to Assess Its Role in the Restriction of Tick-borne Flaviviruses
[Abstract] Cellular infection with tick-borne flaviviruses (TBFVs) results in activation of the interferon (IFN) signaling pathway and subsequent upregulation of numerous genes termed IFN stimulated genes (ISGs) (Schoggins et al., 2011). Many ISGs function to prevent virus pathogenesis by acting in a broad or specific manner through protein-protein interactions (Duggal and Emerman, 2012). The potency of the IFN signaling response determines the outcome of TBFV infection (Best, 2017; Carletti et al., 2017). Interestingly, data from our lab show that TBFV replication is significantly restricted in cells of the reservoir species Peromyscus leucopus thereby suggesting a potent antiviral response (Izuogu et al., 2017). We assessed the relative contribution of IFN ...
[摘要] 蜱传黄热病病毒(TBFV)的细胞感染导致干扰素(IFN)信号传导途径的激活和随后称为IFN刺激基因(ISG)(Schoggins等人,2011)的众多基因的上调。许多ISG通过蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用以广泛或特定的方式起作用来防止病毒发病(Duggal和Emerman,2012)。 IFN信号反应的效力决定了TBFV感染的结果(Best,2016; Carletti等人,2017)。有趣的是,我们实验室的数据显示TBFV复制在储库物种Peromyscus leucopus的细胞中显着受到限制,从而表明有效的抗病毒应答(Izuogu等人,2017)。我们评估干扰素信号对抗性的相对贡献。通过敲低IFN反应途径中的主要转录因子来抑制白血病。信号转导和转录激活因子1(STAT1)是专门针对在P。 leucopus细胞通过shRNA技术。我们进一步测试了基因敲低对细胞对IFN反应和限制病毒复制的能力的影响;结果表明当STAT1表达被改变时,leucopus细胞对IFN刺激的反应降低,并且对TBFV复制显着更敏感。
【背景】IFN信号是抵抗侵入宿主细胞的黄病毒的第一道防线(Robertson等人,2009; Lazear和Diamond,2015)。通过模式识别受体(PRR)检测与病毒颗粒相关的分子标记,然后通过转录因子引发下游信号从细胞释放1型IFN(Kawai ...