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Anti-HA antibody produced in rabbit


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: H6908
Other protocol()

Identification of Factors in Regulating a Protein Ubiquitination by Immunoprecipitation: a Case Study of TRF2 on Human REST4 Ubiquitination
[Abstract]  Ubiquitination is the first step of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway that regulates cells for their homeostatic functions and is an enzymatic, protein post-translational modification process in which ubiquitin is transferred to a target protein substrate by a set of three ubiquitin enzymes (Weissman et al., 2011; Bhattacharyya et al., 2014; Ristic et al., 2014). Given the importance of this process, it is plausible that ubiquitination is under strict control by many factors and that the regulatory machineries are protein-specific. An assay for the detection of a specific protein ubiquitination will enable us to examine whether a factor has a function to regulate the ubiquitination of this protein. Here we describe a protocol that detects the ubiquitination ... [摘要]  泛素化是泛素 - 蛋白酶体通路的第一步,其调节细胞的内环境稳定功能,并且是酶,蛋白质翻译后修饰过程,其中通过一组三种泛素酶将泛素转移到靶蛋白质底物(Weissman et al。,2011; Bhattacharyya et al。,2014; Ristic 等人,2014)。考虑到这一过程的重要性,似乎可能的是,泛素化受到许多因素的严格控制,并且调节机制是蛋白质特异性的。用于检测特异性蛋白泛素化的测定将使我们能够检查因子是否具有调节该蛋白的泛素化的功能。在这里我们描述一个协议,检测人类REST4蛋白在培养细胞中的神经选择性剪接异构体(RE-1沉默转录因子),拮抗REST对神经分化和神经元形成的镇压功能的泛素化状态。使用这个协议,我们显示端粒结合蛋白TRF2通过抑制其泛素化稳定人类REST4的表达。这表明TRF2在神经分化中发挥阳性作用(Ovando-Roche等人,2014)。该方案还可用于检测其他感兴趣的蛋白质的泛素化。
