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Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 34867
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Metabolomic and Lipidomic Analysis of Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages
[Abstract]  Macrophages are highly plastic immune cells that are capable of adopting a wide array of functional phenotypes in response to environmental stimuli. The changes in macrophage function are often supported and regulated by changes in cellular metabolism. Capturing a comprehensive picture of metabolism is vital for understanding the role of metabolic rewiring in the immune response. Here we present a method for systematically quantifying the abundance of metabolites and lipids in primary murine bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs). This method simultaneously extracts polar metabolites and lipids from BMDMs using a rapid two-phase extraction procedure. The polar metabolite fraction and lipid fraction are subsequently analyzed by separate liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) ... [摘要]  [摘要] 巨噬细胞是高度可塑性的免疫细胞,能够对环境刺激产生广泛的功能表型。巨噬细胞功能的改变通常受到细胞代谢的支持和调节。获取新陈代谢的全面图像对于理解代谢重组在免疫反应中的作用至关重要。本文提出了一种系统定量测定小鼠骨髓源性巨噬细胞(BMDMs)中代谢物和脂质丰度的方法。该方法采用快速两相萃取法同时从BMDMs中提取极性代谢物和脂质。极性代谢物部分和脂质部分随后通过单独的液相色谱-质谱(LC-MS)方法进行分析,以优化覆盖率和定量。这使得对细胞代谢的全面表征可以用来理解各种环境刺激对巨噬细胞代谢和功能的影响。

[背景] 巨噬细胞是先天性免疫系统的细胞,在局部微环境中对信号作出反应时,可采用多种功能表型。巨噬细胞的激活与细胞代谢的特定重编程相结合并高度依赖(Tannahill et al.,2013;Galván-Peña and O'Neill,2014;Jha et al.,2015;Kelly and O'Neill,2015;Cordes et al.,2016;Mills and O'Neill 2016;等人;Mills et al.,2016;Liu et al.,2013;Lampropoulou et al.,2016;Van den ...

Preparation of Lipid-Stripped Serum for the Study of Lipid Metabolism in Cell Culture
[Abstract]  Studying lipid metabolism in cultured cells is complicated by the fact that cells are typically cultured in the presence of animal serum, which contains a wide, variable, and undefined variety of lipid species. Lipid metabolism can impact cell physiology, signaling, and proliferation, and the ability to culture cells in the absence of exogenous lipids can reveal the importance of lipid biosynthesis pathways and facilitate the generation of media with defined lipid species. We have adapted a protocol to remove lipids from serum without eliminating its ability to support the proliferation of cells in culture. This method requires di-isopropyl ether and butanol and can be used to generate small batches of lipid-stripped serum in four days. The resulting serum supports proliferation of many ... [摘要]  研究培养细胞中的脂质代谢很复杂,因为细胞通常在动物血清存在的情况下进行培养,动物血清含有广泛的,可变的和不确定的脂质种类。 脂质代谢可以影响细胞生理学,信号传导和增殖,并且在不存在外源脂质的情况下培养细胞的能力可以揭示脂质生物合成途径的重要性并促进具有限定的脂质物种的培养基的生成。 我们已经调整了一个方案,以去除血清中的脂质,而不消除其支持培养物中细胞增殖的能力。 该方法需要二异丙醚和丁醇,并且可以在四天内用于生成小批量的脂质剥离血清。 所得血清支持培养中许多细胞系的增殖,并且可用于比较脂质充足和贫化条件下细胞的代谢。

【背景】脂质是细胞膜的主要成分,其描绘生物区室,并且在信号传导途径和能量储存中发挥重要作用(Baenke等人,2013)。脂质代谢在多种疾病中失调,最近的研究表明破坏脂质生物合成可能是抑制肿瘤生长的一种方法(Svensson和Shaw,2016)。因此,有兴趣研究产生细胞脂质物种的代谢途径。在没有特定代谢组分的培养基中培养细胞可以帮助更好地理解代谢途径如何支持细胞功能。大多数哺乳动物细胞的标准培养基包括动物血清作为蛋白质和生长因子(最常见的是胎牛血清[FBS])的来源。动物血清在脂蛋白复合物中含有多种脂质物质并与血清白蛋白结合。不同批次的动物血清组成不同,在大多数实验中血清中的营养物质水平没有明确定义。细胞能够从合成和外源来源获得脂质(Kamphorst等人,2013; ...

Extraction and Identification of T Cell Stimulatory Self-lipid Antigens
[Abstract]  Autoreactive T cells restricted to CD1 molecules and specific for endogenous lipids are abundant in human blood (de Jong et al., 2010; de Lalla et al., 2011). A few self-lipid molecules recognized by diverse individual T cell clones and accumulated within APCs following stress signals or cell transformation have been identified so far (de Jong et al., 2010; Chang et al., 2008; Lepore et al., 2014). These findings suggested that auto-reactive CD1-restricted T cells display broad lipid specificities and may play critical roles in different types of immune responses including cancer immune surveillance, autoimmunity and antimicrobial immunity. Therefore, the identification of the repertoire of self-lipid molecules recognized by T cells is ... [摘要]  限于CD1分子并且对内源性脂质特异的自身反应性T细胞在人血液中是丰富的(de Jong等人,2010; de Lalla等人,2011)。迄今已经鉴定了多种单个T细胞克隆识别并在应激信号或细胞转化后在APC内积累的一些自身脂质分子(de Jong等人,2010; Chang等人。,2008; Lepore ,2014)。这些研究结果表明自反应CD1限制性T细胞显示广泛的脂质特异性,可能在不同类型的免疫反应,包括癌症免疫监视,自身免疫和抗微生物免疫中发挥关键作用。因此,鉴定由T细胞识别的自身脂质分子的所有组成成分对于研究该T细胞群的生理功能和评估其治疗潜力是重要的(Lepore等人,2014)。这里我们描述了我们建立的用于分离和鉴定源自白血病细胞的内源性脂质的方案,其刺激特异性自身反应性CD1c限制性T淋巴细胞(Lepore等人,2014)。该方案可以应用于从任何类型的靶细胞分离脂质抗原,并研究限制于所有CD1同种型的自身反应性T细胞的自身脂质抗原特异性(Facciotti等人,2012)。
