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96-well PCR plates

MicroAmp ®光学96孔反应板

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: N8010560
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Isolation and Quantification of Extracellular DNA from Biofluids
[Abstract]  Extracellular DNA is studied as a diagnostic biomarker, but also as a factor involved in the pathophysiology of several diseases due to its pro-inflammatory properties. Extracellular DNA can be extracted from plasma, urine, saliva or other biofluids using standard DNA isolation procedures and specialized commercial kits. Sample preparation for isolation is important, freezing and thawing may affect the amount of extracellular DNA extracted. Subsequent centrifugations remove cells and cell debris from the samples to obtain true extracellular DNA. Small volume of samples especially from animal experiments is often an issue and it affects the DNA yield. Very short fragments (˂ 100 bp) can be lost during isolation and are difficult to quantify using PCR. Fluorometric methods asses all stained ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 研究细胞外DNA作为一种诊断性生物标志物,但由于其具有促炎性,也可以作为多种疾病的病理生理因素。可以使用标准DNA分离程序和专门的商业试剂盒从血浆,尿液,唾液或其他生物流体中提取细胞外DNA。样品制备对于分离非常重要,冷冻和解冻可能会影响提取的细胞外DNA的量。随后的离心去除样品中的细胞和细胞碎片,以获得真正的细胞外DNA。少量样品尤其是动物实验样品常常是一个问题,它会影响DNA产量。片段很短(˂ 100 bp)在分离过程中可能会丢失,并且难以使用PCR进行定量。荧光法评估所有染色的DNA片段。选择定量细胞外DNA的方法至关重要,并且至少两种方法的组合是理想的。程序的标准化或至少在研究论文中的报告对于比较结果至关重要。

[背景 ] 胞外DNA通常被称为无细胞DNA是所有DNA的一个术语发现特别是在诊断生物流体细胞外。血浆DNA最早是由Mandel和Metais (1948)发现的。后来人们对所谓的液体活检的研究激发了人们对细胞外DNA研究的兴趣,液体活检作为无创筛选和诊断的基于DNA的生物标志物的来源(Poon和Lo,2001)。相同的胞外DNA,然而,也参与炎性疾病,如败血症的病理生理学(Lauková 等人,2017) ,急性肾损伤(詹森等人,2017)和急性肝衰竭(Vokálová ...

Isolation and Analysis of Stromal Vascular Cells from Visceral Adipose Tissue
[Abstract]  The obesity epidemic is the underlying driver of the type 2 diabetes mellitus epidemic. A remarkable accumulation of various pro-inflammatory immune cells in adipose tissues is a hallmark of obesity and leads to pathogenesis of tissue inflammation and insulin resistance. Here, we describe a detailed protocol to isolate adipose tissue stromal vascular cells (SVCs), which enrich various immune cells of adipose tissues. These SVCs can be used to examine the population and activation status of immune cells by tracking their cell surface antigens, gene expression, and activation of specific signaling pathways. [摘要]  肥胖流行是2型糖尿病流行病的根本驱动因素。 脂肪组织中各种促炎免疫细胞的显着积累是肥胖的标志,并导致组织炎症和胰岛素抵抗的发病机制。 在这里,我们描述了分离脂肪组织基质血管细胞(SVCs)的详细方案,其丰富了脂肪组织的各种免疫细胞。 这些SVC可用于通过跟踪其细胞表面抗原,基因表达和特异性信号通路的激活来检查免疫细胞的群体和激活状态。
【背景】过去几十年来,肥胖现在已成为一种流行病,已成为胰岛素抵抗最常见的原因之一。胰岛素抵抗是代谢综合征发病机理的关键病因。代谢综合征的延长状态推动了2型糖尿病(T2DM)的发展(Romeo et al。,2012; Johnson and Olefsky,2013; Saltiel and Olefsky,2017)。
   慢性低度组织炎症伴随着增强的免疫细胞浸润,是啮齿动物和人类肥胖症的标志,并且是通过促进炎症状态和中断胰岛素信号传导来促进胰岛素抵抗的发病机制的主要因素(Romeo等2012年; Johnson和Olefsky,2013; Saltiel和Olefsky,2017)。浸润的免疫细胞如促炎性巨噬细胞和B细胞在调节肥胖相关脂肪组织炎症和胰岛素抵抗中起关键作用(Weisberg等,2003; ...

The Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane as an in vivo Model to Study Metastasis
[Abstract]  Metastasis is a complex process that includes several steps: neoplastic progression, angiogenesis, cell migration and invasion, intravasation into nearby blood vessels, survival in the circulatory system, extravasation followed by homing into distant tissues, the formation of micrometastases, and finally the growth into macroscopic secondary tumors. This complexity makes metastases difficult to investigate and quantify in animal models. The chick embryo is a unique in vivo model that overcomes many limitations for studying the metastatic process, due to the accessibility of the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM), a well-vascularized extra-embryonic tissue located under the eggshell, that is receptive to the xenografting of mammalian tumor cells, including human. Since the chick ... [摘要]  转移是一个复杂的过程,包括几个步骤:肿瘤进展,血管生成,细胞迁移和入侵,附近血管内渗,循环系统中的生存,外渗,然后归巢到远端组织,微转移的形成,最后生长宏观继发性肿瘤。这种复杂性使得转移瘤难以在动物模型中研究和量化。鸡胚是独特的体内模型,其克服了用于研究转移过程的许多限制,这是由于绒毛尿囊膜(CAM)的可接近性,所述绒毛尿囊膜是位于蛋壳下的良好血管化的胚胎外组织,其接受哺乳动物肿瘤细胞(包括人)的异种移植。由于鸡胚在此阶段是天然免疫缺陷的,所以CAM可以支持肿瘤细胞的植入,并且其中的生长可忠实地重现致癌过程的大多数特征,包括:生长,侵入,血管生成和远端组织的定居(Deryugina和Quigley,2008; Zijlstra等人,2002)。 CAM在癌细胞移植后5-7天内维持快速肿瘤形成。这个特征提供了用于快速研究转移性级联的灌注和定植步骤的独特实验模型。此外,使用定量PCR来检测物种特异性序列,例如Alu ,鸡胚CAM模型可用于监测和定量在远端组织中异种移植的异位肿瘤细胞的存在。因此,鸡胚模型已经证明是用于癌症研究的有价值的工具,特别是用于研究癌症转移中涉及的分子和途径,并分析转移性癌症对潜在疗法的反应(Herrero等人 。,2015; Casar 。,2014)。在这方面,使用快速和定量的自发转移鸡胚胎模型可以提供用于筛选抗癌剂的常规小鼠模型系统的替代方法。
