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Company: Gemini Bio-Products
Catalog#: 100-106
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Flow Cytometric Analysis of HIV-1 Transcriptional Activity in Response to shRNA Knockdown in A2 and A72 J-Lat Cell Lines
[Abstract]  The main obstacle to eradicating HIV-1 from patients is post-integration latency (Finzi et al., 1999). Antiretroviral treatments target only actively replicating virus, while latent infections that have low or no transcriptional activity remain untreated (Sedaghat et al., 2007). To eliminate viral reservoirs, one strategy focuses on reversing HIV-1 latency via ‘shock and kill’ (Deeks, 2012). The basis of this strategy is to overcome the molecular mechanisms of HIV-1 latency by therapeutically inducing viral gene and protein expression under antiretroviral therapy and to cause selective cell death via the lytic properties of the virus, or the immune system now recognizing the infected cells. Recently, a number of studies have described the therapeutic potential of ... [摘要]  消除HIV-1患者的主要障碍是后整合延迟(Finzi等人,1999)。抗逆转录病毒治疗仅针对主动复制病毒,而具有低转录活性或无转录活性的潜伏感染仍未得到治疗(Sedaghat等人,2007)。为了消除病毒性水库,一项战略重点是通过“休克和杀死”来逆转HIV-1潜伏期(Deeks,2012)。该策略的基础是通过在抗逆转录病毒治疗下通过治疗性诱导病毒基因和蛋白质表达来克服HIV-1潜伏期的分子机制,并通过病毒的溶解性质或现在识别感染细胞的免疫系统引起选择性细胞死亡。最近,许多研究已经描述了药物抑制人类溴结构域蛋白质的溴结构域和末端(BET)家族的成员的治疗潜力(Filippakopoulos等人,2010; Dawson等人& / em>,2011; Delmore等人,2011),其包括BRD2,BRB3,BRD4和BRDT。小分子BET抑制剂,例如JQ1(Filippakopoulos et al。,2010; Delmore等人,2011),I-BET(Nicodeme等人< / ...

Flow Cytometric Analysis of Drug-induced HIV-1 Transcriptional Activity in A2 and A72 J-Lat Cell Lines
[Abstract]  The main obstacle to eradicating HIV-1 from patients is post-integration latency (Finzi et al., 1999). Antiretroviral treatments target only actively replicating virus, while latent infections that have low or no transcriptional activity remain untreated (Sedaghat et al., 2007). A combination of antiretroviral treatments with latency-purging strategies may accelerate the depletion of latent reservoirs and lead to a cure (Geeraert et al., 2008). Current strategies to reactivate HIV-1 from latency include use of prostratin, a non-tumor-promoting phorbol ester (Williams et al., 2004), BET inhibitors (Filippakopoulos et al., 2010; Delmore et al., 2011), and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, such as suberoylanilidehydroxamic acid (i.e. ... [摘要]  消除HIV-1患者的主要障碍是后整合延迟(Finzi等,1999)。抗逆转录病毒治疗仅针对主动复制病毒,而具有低转录活性或无转录活性的潜伏性感染仍未得到治疗(Sedaghat et al。,2007)。抗逆转录病毒治疗与潜伏期清除策略的组合可以加速潜伏性储层的消耗并导致治愈(Geeraert等人,2008)。从潜伏期重新激活HIV-1的当前策略包括使用前列腺素,非促肿瘤佛波酯(Williams等人,2004),BET抑制剂(Filippakopoulos等人, (HDM)抑制剂,例如辛苯甲酰苯胺异羟肟酸(SAHA或Vorinostat))(Kelly ,2010; Delmore等人,2011)和组蛋白脱乙酰酶et al。,2003; Archin等人,2009; Contreras等人,2009; Edelstein等人。 ,2009)。由于HIV-1潜伏期的机制是多样的,有效的再激活可能需要组合策略(Quivy等人,2002)。以下方案描述了基于流式细胞仪的方法,用于量化药物治疗后HIV-1长末端重复(LTR)的转录激活。该协议被优化用于研究含有GFP盒的潜伏的HIV-1感染的Jurkat(J-Lat)细胞系。含有不同报道物的J-Lats,例如萤光素酶,可以用所述的药物进行治疗,但必须进行不同的分析。

背景 ...

A Murine Orthotopic Allograft to Model Prostate Cancer Growth and Metastasis
[Abstract]  Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men in the United States. Comprehensive understanding of the biology contributing to prostate cancer will have important clinical implications. Animal models have greatly impacted our knowledge of disease and will continue to be a valuable resource for future studies. Herein, we describe a detailed protocol for the orthotopic engraftment of a murine prostate cancer cell line (Myc-CaP) into the anterior prostate of an immune competent mouse. [摘要]  前列腺癌是美国男性最常见的癌症之一。对前列腺癌生物学的全面了解将具有重要的临床意义。动物模型大大影响了我们对疾病的了解,并将继续成为未来研究的宝贵资源。在这里,我们描述了将一种鼠前列腺癌细胞系(Myc-CaP)原位植入免疫能力小鼠前列腺的详细方案。

背景 由于转移的癌症的一小部分,前列腺癌是男性癌症死亡的主要原因。然而,驱动局部肿瘤发展和进展为转移性疾病的遗传和分子因素仍未完全了解。基因工程小鼠(GEM)模型和前列腺癌的异种移植模型都有助于我们对前列腺癌遗传学的了解(Ittmann等人,2013; Park等人,2010)。通过前列腺特异性转基因过表达如Hi-Myc小鼠(Ellwood-Yen等人,2003)或通过前列腺特异性缺失例如在Pten中的遗传操作, - 小鼠(Wang等人,2003)是有利的,因为它模拟了免疫能力小鼠的器官微环境中的肿瘤发展和进展。转移性前列腺癌的发展在这些GEM模型中是可变的,其中一些低频率, 其他模型如TRAMP(转基因腺癌​​小鼠前列腺)(reenberg等,1995)和Hi-Myc / Pten < -=""> (Hubbard等人,2016)。尽管他们对前列腺癌研究有很大的实用价值,但进一步的遗传操纵GEM模型是困难,耗时和昂贵的。为了克服这些局限性,研究人员依赖于人类细胞系的皮下和原位异种移植物。细胞系可以以多种方式在体外进行遗传操作。虽然皮下异种移植物由于其易于注射和监测而是有利的,但原位异种移植物更好地概括了可能影响药物敏感性的局部肿瘤微环境(Wilmann等人,1992; ...
