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Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: P5669
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Micropropagation of Prickly Pear by Axillary Shoot Proliferation
[Abstract]  A protocol for the axillary bud proliferation of prickly pear (Opuntia; Cactaceae) is presented. This genus is widely used as a crop in the arid and semi-arid areas of the globe worldwide, providing numerous benefits for human and animal consumption. In vitro culture for axillary bud proliferation is of great use to obtain a large quantity of plants in a short period of time, with potential uses in production and for the preservation of endangered species of the Opuntia genus.

The optimal medium for Opuntia in vitro culture consists of Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) and L2 vitamins. To increase the yield of the axillary bud proliferation, we recommend the addition of plant growth regulators (PGRs). This work suggests a 15 d incubation in the ...
[摘要]  提出了刺梨( Opuntia; Cactaceae )腋芽增殖的方案。 该属广泛用作全球干旱和半干旱地区的作物,为人类和动物消费提供了许多益处。 腋芽增殖的体外培养对于在短时间内获得大量植物具有重要意义,可用于生产和保存罂粟的濒危物种 属。

仙人掌体外培养的最佳培养基由Murashige和Skoog培养基(MS)和L2维生素组成。 为了增加腋芽增殖的产量,我们建议添加植物生长调节剂(PGRs)。 这项工作表明在含有2.2mg / L苄基氨基嘌呤(BA)的培养基中培养15天,然后将外植体转移到不含PGR的培养基中。 我们还解释了如何使植物适应体外条件。

【背景】仙人掌(刺梨)属是仙人掌科家族的成员之一(Bravo-Hollis,1978)。虽然它原产于美洲,但目前生长在欧洲南部,非洲北部,澳大利亚,中东,西亚和世界其他地区的野生和商业种植园中(Ochoa和Barbera,1995; Kiesling和Metzing) ,2017)。仙人掌对干旱和半干旱环境以及生活在这些地区的人类群落产生了深远的影响,因为尽管在干旱地区生长,其生物量仍然很高(Acevedo et al。,1983)。在许多这样的领域, Opuntia 属被用于许多方面。 仙人掌的幼枝可以作为蔬菜食用;水果直接食用或加工成果冻,果汁或糖果(Barba et ...

Tracking Lipid Transfer by Fatty Acid Isotopolog Profiling from Host Plants to Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi
[Abstract]  Lipid transfer from host plants to arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi was hypothesized for several years because sequenced arbuscular mycorrhiza fungal genomes lack genes encoding cytosolic fatty acid synthase (Wewer et al., 2014; Rich et al., 2017). It was finally shown by two independent experimental approaches (Jiang et al., 2017; Keymer et al., 2017; Luginbuehl et al., 2017). One approach used a technique called isotopolog profiling (Keymer et al., 2017). Isotopologs are molecules, which differ only in their isotopic composition. For isotopolog profiling an organism is fed with a heavy isotope labelled precursor metabolite. Subsequently, the labelled isotopolog composition of metabolic products is analysed via mass spectrometry. The ... [摘要]  因为测序的丛枝菌根真菌基因组缺乏编码胞质脂肪酸合酶的基因(Wewer等人,2014; Rich等人,2014),因此假定脂质从宿主植物转移到丛枝菌根真菌数年。 / em>,2017)。最终通过两种独立的实验方法(Jiang等人,2017; Keymer等人,2017; Luginbuehl等人, ), 2017年)。一种方法使用称为同位素体谱分析的技术(Keymer等人,2017)。同位素体是分子,它们的同位素组成不同。对于同位素生物学分析,生物体被喂以重同位素标记的前体代谢物。随后,通过质谱分析代谢产物的标记同位素组成。检测到的目标代谢物的同位素体模式产生关于代谢途径和通量的信息(Ahmed et al。,2014)。以下协议描述了一个实验装置,该装置能够在由丛枝菌根真菌及其相关真菌胞外菌丝体定植的植物根中分离出脂肪酸的单独同位素分布图,以阐明两种共生生物之间的通量。我们预测,如果两种相互作用的生物体可以物理分离,则该策略还可以用于研究其他生物体之间的代谢物通量。


为了培养,处理和收获与宿主根分开的真菌,开发了2室培养皿系统,并将其用于以前工作中的标记研究(Bécard和Fortin,1988; ...

Transport Assays in Aspergillus nidulans
[Abstract]  Transport assays allow the direct kinetic analysis of a specific transporter by measuring apparent Km and Vmax values, and permit the characterization of substrate specificity profiles through competition assays. In this protocol, we describe a rapid and easy method for performing uptake assays in the model filamentous ascomycete Aspergillus nidulans. These assays make use of A. nidulans germinating conidiospores, thus avoiding technical difficulties associated with the use of mycelia. The ease of construction genetic null mutants in this model fungus permits the rigorous characterization of any transporter in the absence of similar transporters with overlapping specificities, a common problem in relevant studies. [摘要]  运输测定允许通过测量表观上的最小值和最小值来测量特定转运蛋白的直接动力学分析,以及 允许通过竞争测定表征底物特异性谱。 在本协议中,我们描述了在模型丝状子囊菌实施吸收测定的快速和容易的方法 Aspergillus nidulans 。 这些测定利用了A。 构巢曲霉发芽分生孢子,从而避免与使用菌丝体相关的技术困难。 在该模型真菌中构建遗传无效突变体的容易性允许在不存在具有重叠特异性的类似转运蛋白的情况下严格表征任何转运蛋白,这是相关研究中的常见问题。
