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Formic acid


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 56302
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Lipidomic Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans Embryos
[Abstract]  Metabolomic is an emerging field of system biology. Lipidomic, a branch of metabolomic, aims to characterize lipophilic metabolites in biological systems. Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) is a genetically tractable and versatile animal model for novel discovery of lipid metabolism. In addition, C. elegans embryo is simple and homogeneous. Here, we demonstrate detailed procedures of C. elegans culture, embryo isolation, lipid extraction and metabolomic data analysis. [摘要]  在心肌梗死(MI)中,许多心肌细胞凋亡。 这些凋亡心肌细胞被吞噬细胞迅速吞噬。 如果死细胞没有被吞没,其有害物质被释放到外面,导致炎症的诱导。 因此,需要去除这些死细胞。 然而,每个吞噬细胞类型对梗塞心脏中凋亡细胞的去除的贡献仍未解决。 在这里,我们描述了吞噬作用测定的体外方案来比较心脏巨噬细胞和心脏肌成纤维细胞的吞噬能力。
【背景】长期以来一直认为,心脏巨噬细胞消除了在失败的心脏中产生的凋亡细胞。 然而,我们发现负责组织纤维化的心脏肌成纤维细胞也具有在MI后吞噬凋亡细胞的能力(Nakaya等,2017)。 这一发现促使我们比较心脏巨噬细胞和心脏肌成纤维细胞的吞噬能力。 在这里,我们提供了一个详细的体外吞噬试验方案来评估吞噬吞噬的程度。

Aspergillus terreus Infection of Fruits and Terrein Quantification by HPLC Analysis
[Abstract]  The opportunistic fungal human and plant pathogen Aspergillus terreus (A. terreus) can be isolated from sea water, soil or decaying organic matter such as rotting leaves and fruits. While growing on fruits A. terreus produces secondary metabolites such as terrein, which may ease its penetration into plant tissues. In addition, biological activities of terrein may support competition against other microorganisms. In summary, terrein is a small polyketide that reduces germination of seedlings, induces lesions on fruit surfaces but also shows moderate antifungal activity. With this manuscript we provide a fruit infection protocol with Aspergillus terreus with subsequent determination of terrein production rates on infected fruits using an HPLC-based ... [摘要]  机体真菌人和植物病原菌土曲霉(A. terreus)可以从海水,土壤或腐烂的有机物质如腐烂的叶子和果实中分离出来。 当在水果上生长时,A. terreus产生次生代谢物如土曲杆菌,这可以缓解其渗透到植物组织中。 此外,土耳特蛋白的生物活性可能支持与其他微生物的竞争。 总而言之,土豆蛋白是一种减少幼苗发芽的小聚酮,诱发水果表面的病变,但也显示出中等的抗真菌活性。 使用这份手稿,我们提供了一种水果感染方案与土曲霉,随后使用基于HPLC的量化方法测定感染果实的土豆油生产率。
