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ÄKTAexplorer 10


Company: Cytiva
Catalog#: 18130000
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Optogenetic Tuning of Ligand Binding to The Human T cell Receptor Using The opto-ligand-TCR System
[Abstract]  T cells are one major cell type of the immune system that use their T cell antigen receptor (TCR) to bind and respond to foreign molecules derived from pathogens. The ligand-TCR interaction half-lives determine stimulation outcome. Until recently, scientists relied on mutating either the TCR or its ligands to investigate how varying TCR-ligand interaction durations impacted on T cell activation. Our newly created opto-ligand-TCR system allowed us to precisely and reversibly control ligand binding to the TCR by light illumination. This system uses phytochrome B (PhyB) tetramers as a light-regulated TCR ligand. PhyB can be photoconverted between a binding (ON) and non-binding (OFF) conformation by 660 nm and 740 nm light illumination, respectively. PhyB ON is able to bind to a synthetic ... [摘要]  [摘要] T细胞是免疫系统的一种主要细胞类型,利用其T细胞抗原受体(TCR)结合并响应源自病原体的外来分子。配体-TCR相互作用的半衰期决定了刺激的结果。直到最近,科学家还是依靠突变TCR或其配体来研究变化的TCR-配体相互作用持续时间如何影响T细胞活化。我们新创建的光配体-TCR系统使我们能够通过光照精确且可逆地控制配体与TCR的结合。该系统使用植物色素B(PhyB )四聚体作为光调节的TCR配体。PHYB 可光转化的结合(ON)之间,并且通过分别为660nm和740nm的光照射,非结合性(OFF)构象。PhyB ON能够结合通过将PhyB 相互作用因子(PIF)融合到TCRβ链而产生的合成TCR 。将PhyB 切换为OFF构象会破坏这种相互作用。PhyB 四聚体与PIF-TCR 足够长的结合导致T细胞活化(通过钙内流测量)。在这里,我们描述了有关如何为我们的光配体-TCR系统生成四聚体配体,如何通过流式细胞仪测量配体-TCR结合以及如何通过钙内流量化T细胞活化的协议。

[背景 ] ...

Production, Purification and Characterization of Recombinant Biotinylated Phytochrome B for Extracellular Optogenetics
[Abstract]  In the field of extracellular optogenetics, photoreceptors are applied outside of cells to obtain systems with a desired functionality. Among the diverse applied photoreceptors, phytochromes are the only ones that can be actively and reversibly switched between the active and inactive photostate by the illumination with cell-compatible red and far-red light. In this protocol, we describe the production of a biotinylated variant of the photosensory domain of A. thaliana phytochrome B (PhyB-AviTag) in E. coli with a single, optimized expression plasmid. We give detailed instructions for the purification of the protein by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and the characterization of the protein in terms of purity, biotinylation, spectral photoswitching and the ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 在细胞外光遗传学领域,光感受器被应用于细胞外,以获得具有所需功能的系统。在各种应用的感光体中,植物色素是唯一可以通过与细胞相容的红色和远红外光照射而在活性和非活性光态之间主动和可逆地切换的色素。在此协议中,我们描述了在大肠杆菌中拟南芥光敏色素B(PhyB-AviTag )的光敏域的生物素化变体的生产。 带有一个优化的表达质粒。我们给出了通过固定的金属亲和色谱法纯化蛋白质的详细说明,并根据纯度,生物素化,光谱光开关以及与它的相互作用伴侣PIF6的光依赖性相互作用对蛋白质进行了表征。与以前使用PhyB-AviTag 进行的研究相比,此方案中使用的优化表达质粒简化了生产过程,并显示出更高的产量和纯度。

[背景 ] 在新兴的细胞外光遗传学领域,光感受器被应用于细胞外,例如,以控制生物功能或设计光响应性生物材料(Leung 等,2008;Zhang 等,2015;Chen and Wegner ,2017 ; Lyu 等人,2017 ; Wang 等人,2017 ; Bartelt 等人,2018 ; Beyer 等人,2018a ; Beyer 等人,2018b ; Jia 等人,2018 ; Kolar 等人, 2018 ; Liu 等人,2018 ; Wu 等人,2018 ; Baaske 等人,2019 ; Gil 等人,2019 ; H?rner ...

A Refined Protocol for Identifying Citrulline-specific Monoclonal Antibodies from Single Human B Cells from Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Material
[Abstract]  We describe here a detailed, refined protocol for the generation of citrulline-specific monoclonal antibodies from single human B cells from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. This protocol provides a detailed guide of the procedure starting from single B cells of your choice and followed by amplification of the variable region of immunoglobulin genes by RT-PCR, subsequent immunoglobulin gene cloning, recombinant IgG1 monoclonal antibody (mAb) production and quality controls. The produced mAbs can be used for further studies including reactivity towards candidate antigens and functionality both in vitro and in vivo. This protocol can be used to generate antigen-specific mAbs from B cells derived from different tissues and compartments, including peripheral blood, ... [摘要]  我们在这里描述了从类风湿性关节炎(RA)患者的单个人B细胞产生瓜氨酸特异性单克隆抗体的详细,精确的方案。该方案提供了从您选择的单个B细胞开始的程序的详细指南,然后通过RT-PCR,随后的免疫球蛋白基因克隆,重组IgG1单克隆抗体(mAb)产生和质量控制扩增免疫球蛋白基因的可变区。产生的mAb可用于进一步研究,包括对候选抗原的反应性和体外和体内的功能性。该方案可用于从源自不同组织和区室的B细胞产生抗原特异性mAb,包括外周血,滑液,消化的活组织检查,骨髓抽吸和支气管肺泡灌洗液。值得注意的是,尽管给出了关于如何鉴定瓜氨酸特异性自身抗体的实例,但是一般方法也可以应用于其他反应性。
【背景】类风湿性关节炎(RA)是一种自身免疫性疾病,影响全世界0.5%至1%的成人,如果不及时治疗,可导致关节破坏和残疾(Neovius et al。,2011)。抗瓜氨酸化蛋白自身抗体(ACPA)是RA的标志,可以预测属于阳性亚组的患者的更具侵袭性的疾病过程。这种自身反应性针对瓜氨酸化,瓜氨酸化是酶介导的翻译后修饰,将带正电荷的精氨酸改变为中性瓜氨酸。有趣的是,血清ACPA IgG通常在疾病发作之前(Rantapää-Dahlqvist et al。,2003; Nielen et ...
